Website owners and bloggers are constantly trying to bring more and more organic traffic to their blogs every day. But even after adopting several methods, if traffic is not coming on your blog, then it will be beneficial to start from the basics. Many times bloggers adopt different methods to grow website traffic and forget to do some basic things. So we will talk about some of the same basics tricks in this article which are quite easy and will help a lot in bringing valuable organic traffic to your blog.
6 Easy Ways to Grow Website Traffic
1. Speed-Up Your Website
Nobody likes to wait, if someone comes to read the article on your blog, then the article should be loaded immediately, no one will wait much longer for the article to load on your blog. If your article does not load on time, then your user will go away from your blog. Because visitors of slow websites leave it immediately and go to another blog. Because of which you may suffer a lot of traffic loss. Therefore, the fast loading speed of the blog is very mandatory.
Ideally, a webpage should load within 3 seconds and if your blog is taking longer than that then you need to optimize your blog.
You can see the loading speed of your blog on GTmetrix & Page Speed Insight by Google.
4 Easy Ways to Speed-Up Your Blog.
- Use lightweight and responsive templates.
- Use a Better web hosting
- Use Lightweight images
- Use speed optimization plugins/tools (WordPress)
2. Do Proper Keyword Research
Do the appropriate keyword research on whatever subject you are writing an article on. Search those keywords on Google, if there are already many articles on Google on that topic, then chances are your post will delve into those articles. In such a situation, you can either choose another topic, or if you find a deficiency in those articles, chances are they forgot to include any point or if there is a deficiency in their article, a good one. Keep the article in mind. Write.
One advantage of Keyword research is also that many times you choose a subject that has no search, then all your hard work will be wasted and traffic, then forget that article. Therefore, before writing an article, always research its correct keywords and then finalize your topic.
3. Never Compromise with the Quality Content
As we all know that “Content is King” blogging and digital marketing world. If you own or manage a blog website then you never have to compromise with the quality of your content. Always keep your content of high quality.
The best way to write good content is to always keep in mind that your written content should give good and correct information to your users. Your audience will like your blog for only one reason and that is the content of your blog and if you are not keeping only the content of the blog, then you will lose 90% of the traffic of your blog.
Google also says the same if your content will be liked by users, then it will rank your blog. So keep it in your mind ‘never compromise with the quality of the content’ on your blog. And always write a blog from which you add value to the search engine.
4. Use Engaging Multimedia Creative
Blogging is about providing quality, helpful, and engaging content to your readers, and this content can be in many different forms. Video, Image/Infographic, audio/Podcast, slideshow, etc. these are examples of content that you can publish on your website. These will help your readers to increase interest in your blog and will also help the website from the perspective of SEO.
Multimedia content is also in trend right now. Try to use customized multimedia which is different from the rest of the blog. By doing this, your blog posts will look unique and at the same time, your blog readers will always be eager for your creative content. There are many tools online to create personalized and creative blog posts.
Try to make creative and unique posts. To explain your article, you can also add related screenshots from the blog. Always try to add some new multimedia to your article.
5. Do Proper On-Page SEO
As we all know SEO is one of the most important factor that helps us to grow website traffic, But even today many people only focus on linkbuilding and neglect On-Page SEO, But it will lead your website to be penalized because google treats low-quality pages with tones of backlinks as spams.
If you do proper on-page SEO then it will grow your search appearance in SERP.
5 Important Factors of On-Page SEO
- SEO friendly URL
- Title tag with the focus keyword
- Heading (H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, H6)
- Include a keyword in the first paragraph
- Use natural & user-friendly scannable language.
6. Drive Referral Traffic through Guest Post
When you submit a post in another blog and the owner of that blog publishes your post on his blog, then it is called guest posting and the post you have written is called a guest post. The main purpose of posting a guest is to get a backlink. Apart from this, the guest post also helps us to get valuable traffic and good rank in search engines.
If you use the guest post in the right form then you will get potential traffic very easily. While posting a guest, keep in mind that you should approach blogs related to your niche, because you will get the most potential audience. Try to find a blog whose monthly traffic is more than 10000.
Blogging requires a lot of patience. The points given above are the basics, if you have a blog page then always take care of these five points. Never create fake website traffic or fake backlinks. Google never appreciates such a website. In contrast, your website may be penalized, so do not adopt such methods. Successful blogging is not about a one-time traffic hit. It is about a loyal following over time.
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